Results 18 comments of DBa2016

Da ich bisher die Werte noch gar nicht erst auslesen kann... Kannst Du evtl. die XML-Dateien hochladen?

Do you have by any chance the config files for this setup?

@quoid With unsafeWindow not being available, what are the options to modify functions defined by the web page? One of the objectives on my userscript is to adjust those functions'...

@quoid That's unfortunately a combo I definitely need: I need to use GM API, too. :( In particular, I needc to store some values (and localStorage is definitely not an...

Oof, that's a pretty ugly way... And I am using the backticks in my script, too (yes, this can be avoided, but...)...

I am trying to implement it with the C# api, but I seem to not be able to put the parameters to AttackGym... Most of the time I get "status_code:...

@Nostrademous : any chance to get this JSON file you are talking about?

Many thanks, this helps. I am still struggling to setup AttackGym request correctly. Most of the times, I receive "status_code: 3" back, but sometimes I get an ATTACK_SUCCESS and my...