Results 18 comments of DBa2016

> > > +1 for ARM image. Will be grateful a lot! > @mtis88 Have you succeeded with building the image? Can you share it? Or the Dockerfile script to...

Update: - baseimage-gui built successfully (openssl dhparams is what took so awfully long), next steps see below - git clone the jd2 repo - update Dockerfile to use the baseimage-gui...

Another update: I managed to build the image and launch jd2 (not FF yet). An update of jd2 (something which should be done in 5 minutes tops) took more than...

After exploring that other solution, I returned to this base profile, the performance issue seems to be affecting more the update process (which can be executed during image creation to...

FF turned out to be super-slow on my pi4, so I went for falkon for now. Performance is stil meh, but better. Valuable insights: switching to a 64-bit kernel halved...

Using your Win64 build for a post-processor in PrusaSlicer, works really nice. The output is a bit messy, especially on large files you cannot tell at a glance the current...

Nono, I mean, progress of ArcWelder itself - I am running a batch script which converts the file (print settings->output options->post-processing scripts). A typical log line from ArcWelder.exe looks like...

Uhhh...I have no idea how the "client request" is configured... For the Web access, I imported the .p12 file into the central store and Safari automagically picks it up when...

I don't have any iOS programming experience, but this is what I found googling so far: For now, I will probably define an extra frontend in HA, just...

@sunjw - just downloaded the tool, works great but I can second the indentation issues. "Dependent" code (like continued lines) needs to be indented, this is quite important for readability.