### What problem does this PR solve? Issue Number: close #36980 close #36981 Problem Summary: ### What is changed and how it works? ### Check List Tests - [ ]...
### Describe the feature you'd like to make DM as a service, we need some adjustment to some apis. other service may import DM as a library - [x] #7116
### What problem does this PR solve? Issue Number: ref #49008 Problem Summary: ### What changed and how does it work? - change WaitTask/refreshTask(both scheduler and executor)/GetTaskExecInfoByExecID to query task...
## Bug Report Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! ### 1. Minimal reproduce step (Required) https://do.pingcap.net/jenkins/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/pingcap/pipelines/tidb/pipelines/ghpr_unit_test/runs/4227/nodes/63/steps/69/log/?start=0 ``` physical_plan_test.go:495: Error Trace: pkg/planner/core/physical_plan_test.go:495 Error: Not equal: expected: 1 actual...
## Bug Report Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! ### 1. Minimal reproduce step (Required) https://do.pingcap.net/jenkins/blue/rest/organizations/jenkins/pipelines/pingcap/pipelines/tidb/pipelines/ghpr_unit_test/runs/4227/nodes/63/steps/69/log/?start=0 ``` bind_test.go:476: Error Trace: pkg/bindinfo/tests/bind_test.go:476 Error: Not equal: expected: 0 actual...
## Bug Report Please answer these questions before submitting your issue. Thanks! ### 1. Minimal reproduce step (Required) as we we handleTasksLoop itself as recover function, and `tidbutil.Recover` calls recover...
## Feature Request **Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe:** - Currently, the dispatcher manager supports up to 4 tasks, and the Scheduler manager can process up...
### Is your feature request related to a problem? no ### Describe the feature you'd like - remove hard-coded secret key in source code, as it's taken as compromised and...
### First-time contributors' checklist - [x] I've signed [**Contributor License Agreement**](https://cla-assistant.io/pingcap/docs-cn) that's required for repo owners to accept my contribution. ### What is changed, added or deleted? (Required) ### Which...
### First-time contributors' checklist - [x] I've signed [**Contributor License Agreement**](https://cla-assistant.io/pingcap/docs-cn) that's required for repo owners to accept my contribution. ### What is changed, added or deleted? (Required) ### Which...