so. it's not a perfect solution , but it works i just replace these two line self.description = json.loads(description.get_text()) self.profile_meta = json.loads(more_data[3].get_text()[21:].strip(';')) with self.description = json.loads(description.string) self.profile_meta = json.loads(more_data[3].string[21:].strip(';')) apparently...
@Geoveza @DjChart is my solution above not working?
@mathiznogoud did you try the file in my comment up?
@Desze did you try it alone? or replaced the inside with the one in the repository?
@Desze you tried by using python3 and python2, right?
@Desze can you zip the whole folder and send it, I'll check it after 9 hours approx. (at night).
@Desze so I tried to search for your username and couldn't find it. are you sure this is your username?
@Desze try a different username, it should work fine. it worked fine for me on 2 different machines with different operating systems
@Desze So i checked your profile on the web browser , and strangely the description field doesn't exist ( as the json schema that should represent your profile ). a...
@Desze it works for m , can you do a simple pprint when the error happens