InstagramOSINT copied to clipboard
Username not found
Hi, I'm currently trying to test this tool but I have a problem. I try to run the tool on 2 existing Insta account but the two times the tool send a "Username not found" message... Did I have to specify my username and pass in the tool to run it? Where does the error come from? Thanks for your help!
Hi, I'm also facing the same issue. Kindly please give a response. Thank you :)
same here, I'm suspecting this is because of the Instagram's website UI changes or something. Any help would be appreciated, thank you.
I have tried on many systems same problem
so. it's not a perfect solution , but it works
i just replace these two line
self.description = json.loads(description.get_text())
self.profile_meta = json.loads(more_data[3].get_text()[21:].strip(';'))
self.description = json.loads(description.string)
self.profile_meta = json.loads(more_data[3].string[21:].strip(';'))
apparently , get_text() is returning nothing for some reason.
anyway , this is the whole file for in case you need it instead of replacing manually
have fun
Mismo Problemaaa
same problem
@Geoveza @DjChart is my solution above not working?
everytime i put a username it shows Username xxccdd not found
try using this method $ sudo apt install software-properties-common and try agian ♥
Same problem
Same problem
@YnwaFawzy still not working
It works thanks @YnwaFawzy!!
@tina1998612 Mine still not working, can you provide your fixed code?
@mathiznogoud did you try the file in my comment up?
I tried the zip and it doesn't work
@Desze did you try it alone? or replaced the inside with the one in the repository?
@YnwaFawzy I replaced the in the folder But it still doesn't work for me.
@Desze you tried by using python3 and python2, right?
@YnwaFawzy Yes
InstagramOSINT$ python3 --username desze
[*] Starting Scan on desze list index out of range Username desze not found
@Desze can you zip the whole folder and send it, I'll check it after 9 hours approx. (at night).
@Desze so I tried to search for your username and couldn't find it.
are you sure this is your username?
@Desze try a different username, it should work fine.
it worked fine for me on 2 different machines with different operating systems
So i checked your profile on the web browser , and strangely the description field doesn't exist ( as the json schema that should represent your profile
a quick fix is i checked if the json schema exist by adding
if( description is not None):
self.description = json.loads(description.string)
and then i divided the output into two parts ,the basic one and the description
` self.profile_data = {"Username": self.profile_meta['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['graphql']['user']['username'], "Followers": self.text[0], "Following": self.text[2], "Posts": self.text[4], "Bio": str( self.profile_meta['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['graphql']['user']['biography']), "profile_pic_url": str(self.profile_meta['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['graphql']['user'][ 'profile_pic_url_hd']), "is_business_account": str( self.profile_meta['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['graphql']['user'][ 'is_business_account']), "connected_to_fb": str(self.profile_meta['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['graphql']['user'][ 'connected_fb_page']), "externalurl": str( self.profile_meta['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['graphql']['user']['external_url']), "joined_recently": str(self.profile_meta['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['graphql']['user'][ 'is_joined_recently']), "business_category_name": str( self.profile_meta['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['graphql']['user'][ 'business_category_name']), "is_private": str( self.profile_meta['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['graphql']['user']['is_private']), "is_verified": str( self.profile_meta['entry_data']['ProfilePage'][0]['graphql']['user']['is_verified'])}
and for the description if found
if (description is not None): { "Profile name": self.description['name'], "URL": self.description['mainEntityofPage']['@id'], }
it should be working fine now , you can get the new file
@YnwaFawzy It works for me now on that guy's Instagram But in mine doesn't work
@Desze it works for m , can you do a simple pprint when the error happens
@Desze can you do a pprint before and after the profile_meta (line 78) to see if it was the reason
@Desze just add pprint("hello1") on line 76 and pprint("hello2") on line 78 and then run the program again
i just want to know where there error is getting thrown