Just realized this is a duplicate of #134 but it adds some additional info here so I'll leave it up to you guys if you want to leave this open...
in fact you could even utilize something like a kotlin dsl that's ran on scripts with your incremental compilation to specify what files they're importing, sort of like the script...
If you want to go ahead and assign this issue to me I'll get to it after I finish the couple of things I'm currently working on @roblevintennis
Yeah this absolutely needs a lot more discussion, and I don't think it's something either of us will get to right away, just figured I'd put it here so it's...
I think if we're going to go forward with splintering this into multiple component groups we should coordinate over on [gitter]( so we can work without stepping on each others...
I'll work on this after I finish #173
Despite this being 3 years old I figured I would note for anyone else who stumbled on here looking for an answer like I did, you can get around this...