Gabriel Augendre

Results 45 comments of Gabriel Augendre

Oh wow just found this issue. Yes please! 😀 can't wait for fish 3.4 to be release ^^

The bug mentioned by Ilan is still not fixed: I guess we need to wait for this one too :)

Mastodon's API already returns tags in posts, so no need to parse anything 🙂 I don't know about twitter though.

I had the same experience and disabling ad blocker and Firefox’s tracking protection helped. Now I re-enabled them and I’m having no problem playing music. I can’t reproduce the issue.

Is there still something preventing django-celery-beat from supporting Django 4.1?

This still happens with postgres 13.2 and the latest version of iceScrum

At least using the same default sort order as on the web would be nice. Currently the iOS app doesn't sort articles in the same way as the web app.

I played with the DB and came to the conclusion that the ios app sorts article by `updated_at` where the web app defaults to `created_at`. In my case everything is...

Any news on this PR ? ☺️

This is becoming more urgent since wagtailmenus now doesn't work with the latest setup of wagtail 2.16 (using Django 4 by default)