Hello, I am trying to compile this module but I get this errors: ``` `Errors
``Hello, I have already test your planner and is really awesome. But for my project I need to compile my workspace with catkin build instead of catkin_make. Have someone already...
Hello, I am starting to work with this package but I can not get the file velodyne.bag because when I click on the following [link]( to download it, an error...
Hello, I am using LIO-SAM with Mavros on a drone. I am facing an initial position problem, when my system start I see my initial pose orientation rotated about the...
Hi, as the title suggest I am trying to use this slam in my work with a lidar velodyne vlp16 and a imu vectornav vn100. I have problem finding the...
### MAVROS version and platform Mavros: 1.9.0 ROS: Melodic Ubuntu: 16.04 ### Autopilot type and version [ ] ArduPilot [ x ] PX4 Version: v1.12.3 Hi! can someone help me...
### Issue details Hi, I am new to Mavros and ROS so please be patient :) I am trying to read IMU linear acceleration data directly from a Pixhawk (connected...
Sorry for the dummy question, but I can not understan which is the position topic. I have understand that **/lvi_sam/lidar/mapping/odometry** is related to the fusion LIDAR+IMU (LIO-SAM output) and **/lvi_sam/vins/odometry/odometry**...
Hello, I can not understand why the rviz visualization is "wrog" but the two position topics (/lvi_sam/lidar/mapping/odometry and /lvi_sam/mavisn/odometry/odometry) gives me a correct estimate position. I have test the same...
Hi, I am running ROS MELODIC on UBUNTU 18, I have installed all the package and the camera works. Sorry for the basic question, but I can not understand which...