Feng Xu
Feng Xu
Hi @Magdoll , Yes, my case is there is 11 reads mapped with 7 alleles, and all reference alleles covered by 6 reads and alternative alleles by 5 reads. In...
Hi @Magdoll , I'm not very good at statistics, so I don't quite understand the statistical implications of adding multiple tests. As for me, I prefer the latter one without...
@Magdoll Thank you for your prompt reply and look forward to your new ideas. Best, Feng Xu
Hi @Magdoll , Thanks for your new version, I will try it out and give you feedback.
Hi @Magdoll , I have tried the new version, and I found some issues. As shown in the IGV as below, you can clearly see at least 8 bases showing...
Thanks for your adoption, looking for your next version! Feng Xu
Hi Inigo. Yes, what I am asking about is the analysis precedure used for [**figure 4**](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06510-w/figures/4).
Hi @ibarrioh. After two weeks of trying, I still can't reproduce the analysis precedure in section [Domain prediction by structure search](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06510-w#Sec9) that you illustrated as [Figure 4a](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06510-w/figures/4). Can you help...
How to set the custom residues label in the bottom right corner of the panel when hovering over them
@xiaoxudoo @dsehnal Thanks for your help. I will try the method you mentioned.