Cory Cunningham

Results 5 issues of Cory Cunningham

I work with a mobile testing team that uses cucumber to test on multiple devices. Right now, we output the device results to individual json files with the device udids...

At the moment there is no way for you to `import { Chart, ChartProps } from 'react-native-responsive-chart'` so you could make a HOC to utilize the chart but with your...

Example: There is an animation at 4 points (A, B, C, D). As I've seen it work now, we are able to animate from A -> B -> C ->...

I'm only looking to implement this component via ios/android and I just adjusted a bit from what your docs show and I'm getting this TS error. Any ideas what it...

Please provide all the information requested. Issues that do not follow this format are likely to stall. ## Description Noticed recently that setting a returnKeyType on a TextInput component with...

Component: TextInput
API: Keyboard
Needs: Triage :mag: