I've tried to use @dradux advice as below with version rexray/s3fs:0.11.3 and it doesn't work. The file permissions are still ---------- inside the container. ``` docker plugin install rexray/s3fs \...
I'm experiencing the same issue as setting LINUX_VOLUME_FILEMODE=0755 doesn't help at all. Version: rexray/s3fs:0.11.3 Does anyone have an idea where the manually changed permissions are stored ? I assume somewhere...
I need this functionality too. Any idea when this is going to be reviewed ?
Having the same problem. It would be nice to be included in WP image.
Personally, I use it for managing users, roles, and plugin activation/dectivation from CLI. I agree that: 1. It's a small utility in comparison to WP. 2. Having to deploy a...