Matthew Nickson

Results 132 comments of Matthew Nickson

On the server running Uptime Kuma, can you run the command `date` to see what the system time is set to, and provide the result, along with the actual time...

#2138 might be useful here

Did you only edit the title or all of the lines?

Not sure if it is worth it, but it could be a good idea to convert `ping-lite.js` to the ES6 format for class deffinitions, i.e using the `class` keyword to...

Just did a quick search for node ping modules. I did find this one that seems to support most things we need. Did you see this when creating the...

> Edit: Just read `danielzzz/node-ping`'s README again, well, the callback result difference to the promise one... The callback result is always `isAlive`. The promise result is a result object. In...

This should be ready for review / testing now

We could always add an option to alter how many packets are sent, a bit like the ping packet size pr

Looking at some stats about RDAP support (source it looks like 72.1% of domains support it, with all gTLDs supporting it but only 22.7% of ccTLDs supporting. Given that...