Matthew Nickson

Results 132 comments of Matthew Nickson

Have you ran any tests from other providers or repeated this test multiple times? Sometimes weird networking issues can cause problems and it is good to rule out any network...

Hmm, what are your PHP settings at. I think that this is something to do with either the client, server or network as librespeed has been operating for a number...

Fixed the merge conflicts + updated util.ts to match new min/max settings

You should be able to use the pre built docker image for this PR by following these instructions in the wiki

@louislam Is the new system of making the user enter a code to confirm that they want to reduce the minimum interval value OK? I think that this provides a...

> Could you add the following to the Readme: Resolves #1015 Yep, just done that. Sorry for taking a while to respond, I have been working on other projects for...

I will have a look into this this week

It might be worth looking at GitHub discussions, that way we can keep everything in one place.

For pm2, use the command `pm2 logs` to check the logs.

This should be supported already using apprise