Colin Conwell

Results 8 comments of Colin Conwell

This is possible, but it requires having downloaded the correct Brain Observatory data first. The unaveraged trial-level tensor is about 1.5GB larger than the averaged tensor. By same filtering calculations,...

This appears to be a legacy import that was never removed. It should be fixed now, but let me know if you have any other trouble.

@Inf-YifanYang The neural rdms were computed from the cell_response_average.csv file. The cell_response_average.csv comes from custom code that parses the data from the AllenBrainObservatory. I can post that code to the...

+1 for something that allows the user to either revert to JupyterLab

Any updates on this design feature? Can the behavior be reverted easily to jupyter 3.6.3 style behavior?

Hmmm. I think at least my aesthetic issue could be resolved effectively with a css override that removes the outline properties from jupyter/packages/style/base.css? Or maybe I'm not quite getting the...

I got rid of this by running a manual override in my web environment. Would there be a way to inject this when loading jupyterlab? Maybe in the ServerApp.extra_static_paths =...

By way of example, here's a little script I worked out. If this looks incorrect, let me know! ``` import os, sys, torch from PIL import Image from torchvision import...