Manuel Tornos
Manuel Tornos
It's a classic... LVGL can't be compiled with M600. You must use substitute M600 by M25. I can't understand the reason to don't doing a bit of work here by...
You need to change this in **configuration.h**: `#define FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SCRIPT "M600"` by this: `#define FILAMENT_RUNOUT_SCRIPT "M25"` It's not transparent for the slicer. I use **CURA**, so you must go to **extensions...
Hey @FabioM3 ! Nice solution, the only trouble is to know how to connect the adxl345 sensor to a mcu board (specially thinking on MKS boards). Do you know how...
Hi, @QuinnDamerell ll!!! I wish you the best but, sincerely, MKS abandoned client support on GitHub months ago.
> 1. Need to execute script to convert firmware`./scripts/ out/klipper.bin out/Robin_nano35.bin` > 2. `GPIO pins to set at micro-controllerstartup`The value needs to be configured. `!PC6,!PD13` > After I configured it,...
I second your claim. Maybe MKS could make it work as a mini12864 screen (just emulating it, as Marlin does).
Hi, @sima35... Is it working for you? I don't find a gpio14 pin in our Robin Nano V3. If you're talking about MKS PWC (not MKS UPS that is a...
Ok, friend @sima35 I could make it work without a Raspberry Pi. I explained it on this other issue, **[here](**
I bought these and worked fine
I'm sorry, but it looks like the error get back again -at least for me-: I double checked my gcode, it's OK, but everytime there is a "TIMELAPSE_TAKE_FRAME" line, I...