MKS-Robin-Nano-V3.X copied to clipboard
How do I set MKS PWC on the klipper
Good, I need advice on MKS PWC and klipper. I have RB Nano v3, the clipper works great, , but I need to start MKS PWC in klipper. I did not load the information in klipper. As I understand correctly, MKS PWC is not in their settings. I would be grateful if you could give me the code for the setup. After finishing printing, my printer does not turn off automatically. And I don't know if PWC monitors the voltage. Or connection to RPI4
when no one helped us, what could I have thought, I will give you the info here. put this in moonraker and watch out for the pin then proceed as written here in the link>
this is how you can control the printer via mainsail
[power Printer] type: gpio pin: gpio14 on_when_job_queued: True off_when_shutdown: True locked_while_printing: True restart_klipper_when_powered: false initial_state: off
Hi, @sima35... Is it working for you? I don't find a gpio14 pin in our Robin Nano V3. If you're talking about MKS PWC (not MKS UPS that is a total different think), it need a power detection and a power off connectors: one is for PW_DET pin (PA13 in Klipper) and the other is for PW_OFF pin (PB2 in Klipper). Is it really working as you told?
Ok, friend @sima35 I could make it work without a Raspberry Pi. I explained it on this other issue, here
Ahoj,@sima35... Funguje vám to? V našom Robin Nano V3 nenájdem pin gpio14. Ak hovoríte o MKS PWC (nie o MKS UPS, čo je úplne iný názor), potrebuje detekciu napájania a konektory vypnutia: jeden je pre pin PW_DET (PA13 v Klipper) a druhý je pre pin PW_OFF (PB2 v Klipperi). Naozaj to funguje tak, ako ste povedali?
you need to connect the pw_off cable to the rpi, I have ver.4b