Kohei Kumazaki

Results 106 issues of Kohei Kumazaki

Bridging the Sim-to-Real Gap with Dynamic Compliance Tuning for Industrial Insertion https://ift.tt/rNfO73W arXiv:2311.07499v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Contact-rich manipulation tasks often exhibit a large sim-to-real gap. For instance, industrial assembly...

NaVid: Video-based VLM Plans the Next Step for Vision-and-Language Navigation https://ift.tt/FtcCRDl arXiv:2402.15852v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Vision-and-Language Navigation (VLN) stands as a key research problem of Embodied AI, aiming at...

GenDOM: Generalizable One-shot Deformable Object Manipulation with Parameter-Aware Policy https://ift.tt/wQxNRdg arXiv:2309.09051v3 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Due to the inherent uncertainty in their deformability during motion, previous methods in deformable object...

DiLu: A Knowledge-Driven Approach to Autonomous Driving with Large Language Models https://ift.tt/T4poVNd arXiv:2309.16292v3 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Recent advancements in autonomous driving have relied on data-driven approaches, which are widely...

MoD-SLAM: Monocular Dense Mapping for Unbounded 3D Scene Reconstruction https://ift.tt/NOhaujK arXiv:2402.03762v3 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: Neural implicit representations have recently been demonstrated in many fields including Simultaneous Localization And Mapping...

Design and Flight Demonstration of a Quadrotor for Urban Mapping and Target Tracking Research https://ift.tt/LOsxicp arXiv:2402.13195v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This paper describes the hardware design and flight demonstration of...

Tiny Reinforcement Learning for Quadruped Locomotion using Decision Transformers https://ift.tt/3CqiNUh arXiv:2402.13201v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: Resource-constrained robotic platforms are particularly useful for tasks that require low-cost hardware alternatives due to...

Feudal Networks for Visual Navigation https://ift.tt/B8FjgWk arXiv:2402.12498v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Visual navigation follows the intuition that humans can navigate without detailed maps. A common approach is interactive exploration while...

DiffusionNOCS: Managing Symmetry and Uncertainty in Sim2Real Multi-Modal Category-level Pose Estimation https://ift.tt/FOVisRg arXiv:2402.12647v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: This paper addresses the challenging problem of category-level pose estimation. Current state-of-the-art methods...

Formal Synthesis of Controllers for Safety-Critical Autonomous Systems: Developments and Challenges https://ift.tt/3V21p9n arXiv:2402.13075v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In recent years, formal methods have been extensively used in the design of...