Kohei Kumazaki

Results 106 issues of Kohei Kumazaki

The character code mismatches occurred when character information was not included in the response header (In my case, a Japanese web page). I solved this issue by changing the encoding...

PRompt Optimization in Multi-Step Tasks (PROMST): Integrating Human Feedback and Preference Alignment https://ift.tt/wjr52cb arXiv:2402.08702v2 Announce Type: replace-cross Abstract: Prompt optimization aims to find the best prompt to a large language...

Reward Learning from Suboptimal Demonstrations with Applications in Surgical Electrocautery https://ift.tt/kwvS2MN arXiv:2404.07185v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Automating robotic surgery via learning from demonstration (LfD) techniques is extremely challenging. This is...

A Generic Trajectory Planning Method for Constrained All-Wheel-Steering Robots https://ift.tt/3oke6cw arXiv:2404.09677v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: This paper presents a trajectory planning method for wheeled robots with fixed steering axes while...

Soft Wrist Exosuit Actuated by Fabric Pneumatic Artificial Muscles https://ift.tt/I0eUJov arXiv:2310.17861v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Recently, soft actuator-based exosuits have gained interest, due to their high strength-to-weight ratio, inherent safety,...

Online Distribution Shift Detection via Recency Prediction. (arXiv:2211.09916v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED) https://ift.tt/C3NtJeE When deploying modern machine learning-enabled robotic systems in high-stakes applications, detecting distribution shift is critical. However, most existing methods...

Mitigating Vulnerable Road Users Occlusion Risk Via Collective Perception: An Empirical Analysis https://ift.tt/eoHYLbQ arXiv:2404.07753v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: Recent reports from the World Health Organization highlight that Vulnerable Road Users...

Prediction Horizon Requirements for Automated Driving: Optimizing Safety, Comfort, and Efficiency https://ift.tt/qinDoaG arXiv:2402.03893v2 Announce Type: replace Abstract: Predicting the movement of other road users is beneficial for improving automated vehicle...

Policy-Guided Diffusion https://ift.tt/xsw9MhL arXiv:2404.06356v1 Announce Type: cross Abstract: In many real-world settings, agents must learn from an offline dataset gathered by some prior behavior policy. Such a setting naturally leads...

Online Learning of Joint-Muscle Mapping Using Vision in Tendon-driven Musculoskeletal Humanoids https://ift.tt/MT8A6Sb arXiv:2404.05295v1 Announce Type: new Abstract: The body structures of tendon-driven musculoskeletal humanoids are complex, and accurate modeling is...