Yaotian Feng
Yaotian Feng
如果可以实现平滑过度的话是否可以改为Sha 256。 比如把储存密码的Column 格式改成 {method: 'sha256', hash:'xxxxxx', salt: ''} 如果看到旧格式就使用旧验证,如果验证成功就更新到新的格式
Can you take a picture of your keyboard and pcb? This vid pid pair is never seen before. Either they come out with a new revision or the keyboard might...
Yeah this seems like a new product. Its not Anne Pro 2 On Tue, Aug 22, 2023, at 22:01, JeongBin Lee wrote: > > > > Sorry for not attaching...
Thanks for the catch, do you want to open a PR and I can approve it? Else I can draft a quick patch to fix it
I understand this bug exists for a while now, but really don't know where to go about fixing it. The main problem comes from that the BT firmware is closed...
oh yeah I did that because you sent this PR actually So the very likely problem is that you need to change they way our mutex are initialized. Because the...
Consider #49 do we still need this?