Bailey Dixon
Bailey Dixon
+1 for this!
+1 For a sync feature! Love the app, but definitely need to be able to access the list from multiple devices! Looking forward to it!
@lpearl I've been struggling with finding a solution for this. I was able to use pulseaudio and pavucontrol along with python-dbus I believe to get it working on my Arch...
I was able to get it to work! I checked the sudoers file and there's nothing listed pertaining to TTY. I made sure all the files in /var/www/html are owned...
The user www-data does own all the files inside of `/var/www/html`.  The only file that isn't owned by `www-data` is the index.php I created which just shows a line...
Having the same issue. My repository is on a private Gitlab instance as well.
The container seems to be using `apk` instead of `apt`. Try `apk add ` followed by `apk upgrade`.
I'm having the same issue :(