outline-docker-compose icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
outline-docker-compose copied to clipboard

Unable to Expose to

Open 7ekhed opened this issue 1 year ago • 10 comments

Hey there,

Thank you so much for this project!! 4 little instructions to install, WAY simpler than the native way!

Currently, I am trying to host this in a container for my local network, however the way this is setup natively:

Doesn't allow it to be exposed to my network

Changing the config file to be and port 8888 allows me to get to the User Manager through the /uc/admin page, but going to ipaddress:8888 in my web browser, where Outline should appear, shows a blank dark-themed screen

Is there another way to expose this application to the network?

Thank you!

7ekhed avatar Dec 01 '23 18:12 7ekhed


7ekhed avatar Dec 01 '23 18:12 7ekhed

Update, changing to my local IP works locally (instead of, use localip:8888, in my case, however I am trying to assign this to a domain @ notes.mydomain.com, and while I can load this on my local net, trying to load on notes.mydomain.com loads the blank page again, while the UC Admin can be accessed just fine

I've got an NGINX proxy manager on a different server that is pointing back to this instance

7ekhed avatar Dec 01 '23 19:12 7ekhed

I'm trying to do exatcly the same. Have you found a solution to this? Thanks

giovannipollo avatar Dec 11 '23 17:12 giovannipollo


Codename-11 avatar Dec 13 '23 14:12 Codename-11

这个问题我也遇到了 但是,这个nginx代理就会出问题。外网访问 ,但是无法绑定域名。

hardingCheng avatar Dec 13 '23 15:12 hardingCheng

I found how to fix this,

Combined with the resolution in here of adding user: 0:0 // add this line <---------------------------- This line does not exist, add it to wk-outline in the Docker Compose and what I'm about to post here, this should work for you all, too

FULL STEPS OF HOW I SET THIS UP (scroll down to the code chunks to see the config.sh configs): ~~

Create an Ubuntu / Debian Container / VM

Install Updates and Upgrades

Install Docker, Make, and Nano

Clone the Git

Clone the config.sh from scripts/config.sh.example

Nano the config.sh

Then, “Make Install”


Start Off:

cd /

mkdir outlineserverfolder

Apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y

Apt install make && apt install nano

Install Docker:

apt-get install ca-certificates curl gnupg

install -m 0755 -d /etc/apt/keyrings

curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/debian/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg

sudo chmod a+r /etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg

echo \ "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/etc/apt/keyrings/docker.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/debian \ $(. /etc/os-release && echo "$VERSION_CODENAME") stable" | \ sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

apt-get update

apt-get install docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin docker-compose

Install Outline from Github:

outline-docker-compose-master.zipcd directory/where/outlinedata/is/stored (/outlineserverfolder in this case)

git clone https://github.com/vicalloy/outline-docker-compose.git

cd outline-docker-compose

cp /scripts/config.sh.sample scripts/config.sh

nano scripts/config.sh

OutlineConfig: URL= (PublicFacingURL:PublicFacingPort[PORT REQUIRED!])notes.mydomain.com:443 PORT= 3000

NginxConfig: URL= (Ties Nginx Container to the Host IP) PORT = 8888

CTRL + O to save, CTRL + X to exit nano

Run the MakeFile to Install and Setup the Server:

make install

Other Commands:

docker ps ~ Will show Docker Containers

docker exec -it <container ID or Name> /bin/bash ~ executes /bin/bash on container, CTRL+P+Q to exit

make install ~ Installs and Sets Up the server

make start ~ Starts all associated containers

make stop ~ Stops all associated containers

make clean ~ Clears data from all containers make clean-data ~ Clears All Container .env Variables and All Container Data, also Deletes Containers

Notes regarding- Outline Config: URL = PublicFacingURL:PublicFacingPort

The URL and domain that you are using to host this with the port of the site. Essentially, if you host this at notes.yourdomain.com via cloudflare, and you’re pointing it back to an NGINX proxy, the service itself will host on the NginxConfig host,, and is accessible via port 8888, so redirect from notes.yourdomain.com to the IP Address of the Outline host on port 8888, ensure 443 and 80 are open in your firewall, and in the configuration, when it is asking for the OutlineConfig URL, ensure that you list both the domain URL and the port utilized (if using HTTP, port 80, if HTTPS, port 443) in the Outline Config, the port is a required element

How this is setup:

Docker Host:

Config File:

                OutlineSection ~ URL: notes.mydomain.com:443 PORT: 3000

                NginxSection    ~ URL: PORT: 8888

                Leave the Rest Alone

Nginx Proxy Manager: Add a HTTP Redirection Host to from notes.mydomain.com

               WebSocket Support + Block Common Exploits + Cache
               SSL > Request New SSL Certificate


              NAT Forward port 80/443 to Nginx Proxy Manager

              If multiple firewalls / routers / layers to network, push port through to each until host reached


             For Internal Useage / Testing, will get to the site

             For Public Access / Useage, notes.mydomain.com should get to the site

             For User Management,


In this current state, photos will fail to upload anywhere. Within the docker-compose.yml,

    image: outlinewiki/outline:${OUTLINE_VERSION}
    command: sh -c "yarn db:migrate --env production-ssl-disabled && yarn start"
      - DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:pass@wk-postgres:5432/outline
      - DATABASE_URL_TEST=postgres://user:pass@wk-postgres:5432/outline-test
      - REDIS_URL=redis://wk-redis:6379
      - AWS_S3_UPLOAD_BUCKET_NAME=outline-bucket
      - ./env.outline
      - ./env.oidc
      - ./data/outline:/var/lib/outline/data
    user: 0:0 // add this line <---------------------------- This line does not exist, add it to wk-outline
    restart: unless-stopped
      - wk-postgres
      - wk-redis
      - wk-minio

I wrote an entire document on Outline for how to host Outline, sorry if the formatting isn't great, but this is basically every step I took

What you'll need to do is set the config.sh outline URL to the PUBLIC FACING URL:443 or :80, depending on if HTTP or HTTPS, if using LetsEncrypt with your NGINX Proxy Manager, set it to your notes.yourdomain.com:443. Leave the PORT option at 3000

Then, for the NGINX config, I have it hosted on, to ensure that if you navigate to the local domain,, it still works and still redirects fine, so that the cannot access issue is gone, but with the outline url set to notes.yourdomain.com:443 PORT3000 you should be able to redirect through Proxy Manager to it just fine without needing advanced flags or location flags

The only thing I am now working on is blocking access to the /uc/admin site through proxy manager, and though I am struggling to figure that out, this is not an NGINX Proxy Manager Github, so I'll figure that one out

@giovannipollo @Codename-11 @hardingCheng 

7ekhed avatar Dec 14 '23 15:12 7ekhed

Please ping me if anyone has issues with understanding that, I just copy pasted from my Outline page

7ekhed avatar Dec 14 '23 15:12 7ekhed

Thanks it works! Following the documents of @7ekhed , I did the following things.

clone git

git clone https://github.com/vicalloy/outline-docker-compose.git
cd outline-docker-compose
cp scripts/config.sh.sample scripts/config.sh

Change configuration

nano scripts/config.sh

URL=<my_url>:8888 HTTP_IP=

Change configuration - 2

nano scripts/templates/docker-compose.yml

volumes: - ./data/outline:/var/lib/outline/data user: 0:0 // add this line <---------------------------- This line does not exist, add it to wk-outline restart: unless-stopped

Install and run

make install

sheepvs5 avatar Dec 24 '23 10:12 sheepvs5

Anyone has tried this approach with traefik? I tried numbers on configuration to use traefik as reverse proxy but it would only work temporarily then nginx would result in worker process 23 exited with code 0

pathavyer avatar Jan 16 '24 20:01 pathavyer

Thank you all, especially @7ekhed & @sheepvs5 ! I spend several hours to try to fix it. Got it to work now. 🤝🏼

y3sp3r avatar Jan 21 '24 10:01 y3sp3r