I’m interested in writing about this.
@ShadaW11, here is the outline I'm thinking of following: - Introduction - Prerequisites - Installing and Setting up Flutter - Setting up Strapi - Creating a Flutter App - Integrating...
@ShadaW11 I was thinking it could be a simple app that shows tourist destinations around a city. The main screen will show a list of clickable destinations that will take...
@ShadaW11 I've already registered my author details and gone over the FAQ, but I'll review the guidelines just to be safe. I don't mind updating my article after the release...
@ShadaW11 Sorry work has been pretty busy. I guess I might just end up using V4 from the start. Sorry about the delay!
I'll do my best to have it ready by the end of the month.
@ShadaW11 I feel bad about this, but you should probably set this to "looking for author" again. Work has been really hectic and I don't want to keep you waiting...
@ShadaW11 Thanks for understanding. I think that by the end of the year would be more realistic.
@ShadaW11 Thanks so much for understanding!