
Results 13 comments of ml_better

OK, About the module of voice, you can use the Third-Party. And I integrate a Demo like QQVoice, And I resolve some issues for fine to use. Demo is Here....

Yeah, It can support Horizontal screen, But in social chat softwares, it always uses Vertical screen.

Open terminal and run this command. Use sh ( use full path. eg: /Users/username/Downloads/BashShell/ )

After Xcode 8.x,Apple remove PackageApplication ,so ,you should download PackageApplication to the specified dir. The dir is :/Applications/ Then you should query and download PackageApplication. github:

Open a terminal and run this command。 xcodebuild -workspace FullPath/Project.xcworkspace -scheme Project Now,replace #Project# to your project name. Then, run it !

@linjiansheng Yes ! it worked for me. but I do not know why ? can you give us some reasons ? Thanks


@a185755 是否解决呢?建议您提供一个demo示例。

> > set ENABLE_USER_SCRIPT_SANDBOXING to NO @cnstephen > > 这个对我有用 货拉拉司机版 这个逆向App做的反调试,具有挑战性。

“货拉拉司机版App”的反调试问题如何解决,有遇到过的吗? ![货拉拉司机版]( 货拉拉司机版(6.5.0)