XZ_WeChat copied to clipboard
聊天页面,按住说话 按钮反应迟钝这个问题怎么解决,微信没有这个问题
录音按钮 按住说话 需要按下等一段时间才有反应
[[ICRecordManager shareManager] startRecordingWithFileName:self.recordName completion:^(NSError *error) { if (error) { // 加了录音权限的判断
} else {
if ([_delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(voiceDidStartRecording)]) {
[_delegate voiceDidStartRecording];
这个方法的block里面做了耗时操作,返回太慢了. 需要你自己优化一下.
OK, About the module of voice, you can use the Third-Party. And I integrate a Demo like QQVoice, And I resolve some issues for fine to use. Demo is Here. https://github.com/CocoaML/QQVoiceDemo