> Any updates or thoughts about Hayes auto garage being able to be locked in an "open" position. Having to stay relatively close to the garages to keep them open,...
As much as I like this my only concern is people abusing it (Especially Trolls)
I think this would tie into
Could you go into more details as to how "Log Truck Driver" would be different to the trucking job?
A few more ideas and some feedback: #2741
would be cool to have some other items such as Chips, Raspberries etc available on the black market (With a high price such as 5000+)
The idea behind this is to try make EMS RP more than just waiting for calls, and allow for more interaction between EMS and other players. This would also allow...
as far as I know /cpr only works for downed people, and hardly ever gets used (Something I'm looking to bring up with the EMS team)
So, going back to this I had a few more ideas. For Tow Driver: - Can repair Doors, Windows and Tyres on the road For Intern Mechanic: - Can Craft...
Additionally, the Game Meat could be sold at the Cluckin' Bell factory up in Paleto.