
Results 140 comments of Clementine-Issue-Importer

_From [[email protected]]( on November 21, 2013 11:19:56_ I have the same problem too, I tested with some mp3 songs that should be gapless and i have the gapp Tested on...

_From [[email protected]]( on November 28, 2013 16:57:17_ This may be related to issue 3974 .

_From [[email protected]]( on December 04, 2013 08:21:56_ What formats do you listen to? As far as I can see, the problem lies with Gstreamer which is not gapless for all...

_From [[email protected]]( on December 04, 2013 08:28:48_ To comment #3 I think this is a Gstreamer issue, because I encountered the same behaviour with Amarok using the Gstreamer backend (with...

_From [[email protected]]( on December 04, 2013 12:52:13_ Now I tested with gst-play-1.0 the various formats (gst-play-1.0 --gapless file1 file2), and found that Gstreamer is NOT gapless for mp3 and m4a...

_From [[email protected]]( on June 27, 2013 00:15:51_ I agree that it would be a great feature if you could use smart playlists with albums.

_From [keirangtp]( on April 19, 2011 05:17:13_ As a workaround try using "Tools / Rescan whole library" - this will probably remove the duplicates but the process may take some...

_From [apgrant2]( on April 19, 2011 10:46:08_ I've tried that in the past and it hasn't worked but I'm hoping it does this time and unfortunately restarting it doesn't help...

_From [keirangtp]( on April 20, 2011 00:58:40_ When did you try it? 0.7 has a whole library rescan feature, 0.6 had only "refresh changed folders" feature and that one wouldn't...

_From [apgrant2]( on April 20, 2011 09:39:56_ I tried it recently with version 0.7's library rescan feature and no joy. I've also restarted Clementine a bunch and have been regularly...