
Results 7 issues of HuSen

**Description** My C++ code includes `cin`, which need some input value, but I can't input in the CMake window. It simply cannot make changes. **Steps to reproduce** Below is a...


When entering in python jupyter notebook at first, the mode of vim is `normal` , but the cursor is not a **filled box**, but a **bar**. **Fisrt Open, it's a...


Thx for your fantastic work, I've ported it to c++.

So, I have codes to print any character I input to the terminal. Like: ```rust fn main() { for b in io::stdin().bytes() { let c = b.unwrap() as char; println!("{}",...

Use `set_target_properties` to set `LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY`, `ARCHIVE_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY` and `RUNTIME_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY`, in this way, geos will not interfere output settings of users' project.

When specify proxy, for http, we can use format of `http://proxyhost:port`, for socks5, we can use format of `socks5h://proxyhost:port`. Also, I've added proxy support for gui of ``.

- [Rendered]( This RFC introduces TPAT (TVM Plugin Autogen Tool), previously TensorRT Plugin Autogen Tool, it's another BYOC strategy.