Christopher Eeles
Christopher Eeles
Snakemake version 7.8.2 The `params` slot in the `snakemake` S4 object is malformed when passed into an R script. The result is that the parameter values are included twice, first...
Maybe this feature already exists, but I couldn't find any reference to it in the read me? Expected behavior would be equivalent to `update.packages()`, but using the `pak` package installation...
## Problem Comparing large (>1e6) integer vectors can be prohibitively slow after shuffling one vector. RE: #116 I tried setting `options(diffobj.max.diffs = 50)`, but this didn't help. ## Reprex ```r...
I noticed this specifically inside of `cpt.var`, but I imagine it applies to all other places that you check for 1D-ness via `is.null(dim(x))`. If you make a vector then coerce...
Hello EaCoN team, I have used your package for calling CNVs in several analyses now and am preparing a manuscript based on the results. Curious if you have a paper...
The vignette specifies to install using `biocLite` which is deprecated. Update to `BiocManager`, which is the replacement package.
Remove spaces from the column names in availablePSets data.frame. Suggestion: replace with _. Reason: `with` doesn't work for column names with spaces.
Hi @gangeshberi, It was noted in #93 that users cannot download the .CSV files for AAC by drug from the cell line page. For example, clicking the 'Download Data as...