Charlie Francis

Results 27 comments of Charlie Francis

@jwinnie Hi, I was looking at updating the default to become mobile first, but it's actually possible with the current repo. I used the Bootstrap Breakpoints as they are pretty...

@jwinnie it might be worth looking at using Bootstraps grid instead, it’s robust, just switched to flexbox and is guaranteed to be maintained.

Unfortunately they will not allow Node or NPM to be downloaded via their hosted repository, it has to be installed via a Self Service tool and we are limited to...

Are there any examples of Conditional Radio buttons with an error on one of the conditional fields?

Is there any documentation on wether the back link should be an actual link to a page, or if it should utilise the browsers back functionality? As with @owenm6's [discussion](

I'm currently working on a project with Skills for Care and we have followed the same approach as @adamsilver by visually differentiating the currency symbol from the input text.

Just a small point that the example given for Date of Birth contradicts the autocomplete information that is given below it.

@amyhupe I haven't delved to far into autocomplete before but my instinct tells me that it works on the name attribute of the input field. In the example code given...

My bad! Just seen that the example does give that. Thanks

Same thing is happening to me, can connect via terminal and pgAdmin, but get the error occurs PSequel. PSequel 1.5.3, macOS 10.14.5