@zehuichen123 Hi, I meet the same error, have you solved the problem?
> > @zehuichen123 Hi, I meet the same error, have you solved the problem? > > look my reply, may you try it Will try it.
> i have compiled it here https://pypi.org/project/waymo-open-dataset-tf-2-2-0/ > > to compile by yourself: > > Follow this: https://github.com/waymo-research/waymo-open-dataset/tree/master/pip_pkg_scripts > > the third_party has been added to the pip on master...
@peisun1115 I looked through a lot of repos regarding `camera_model_ops` , `world-to-image`, `image_to_world` function, but can not find a solution, can you please give me a valid one on using...
@zzzxxxttt Hello, can you tell me how can you use ` from waymo_open_dataset.camera.ops.py_camera_model_ops import world_to_image` I simply do not have this module.