Alexey "Cave Johnson" Kolesnikov
Alexey "Cave Johnson" Kolesnikov
check latest crash report created by the game in crash-reports folder. it contains a link to website that will tell you how to resolve compatibility issues. or simply google "extraplanets...
same issue, different OS (Arch Linux) EDIT: consider renaming it into "stuck during loading on KSP 1.11"
well i'm not sure about ckan, should i use it or not... i'm quite skeptic about external mod managers tbh
> Где можно скачать версию galaxy space 1.7.10 1.0.0 stable? а зачем тебе настолько старую версию? ее сейчас толком нигде не скачать...
> * Galacticraft version:last > * GalaxySpace version:last > * AsmodeusCore version (for 2.0.1 version and above): last please, be more specific when you're asked for version. "last" is not...