M Bussonnier

Results 346 issues of M Bussonnier

See also https://www.troyhunt.com/ive-just-launched-pwned-passwords-version-2/ It provide at least js API that are privacy protecting and can indicate if password is in already leaked password. That can (and should?) also be triggerd...


This will let user not build the tree-sitter-rst package.


The jupyterLab extension is there: https://github.com/carreau/papyri-lab there are many navigation problem, the breadcrumb is not work, it could get search, and plenty other ffeatures.


Talk is moved to Grand ballroom at 2:35. Slides are [here](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1qnGbKt0Av_73Xu_qSE1tSeb-Zn-fHg69wg5UWL_ZWJM/edit?usp=sharing). jupyterLab extension is [there](https://github.com/carreau/papyri-lab), having the question mark operator work currently requires [this branch](https://github.com/carreau/ipython/tree/papyri-hook-example) of IPython. This issue will...

It seem that sometime the two get confused by papyri. `scipy.signal._czt:CZT` / `scipy.signal._czt:czt` `dask.delayed:Delayed` vs `dask.delayed:delayed`


https://numpy.org/doc/stable/user/quickstart.html ``` exp. In NumPy, these are called "universal functions" (\ ``ufunc``). Within NumPy, these functions ``` In sphinx the backslash is necessary not in papyri.


There seem to be multiple types of literal blocks ``` :: lit ``` ``` some text:: lit ``` ``` some text :: lit ``` ``` some text: :: lit ```...


So I've been poking at SQL: - [ ] first I added indexes to speed up queries. I don't know what I'm doing so @steff456 can you look at what...
