Results 87 comments of Simon Green

I would make do with a checkbox to select all / multiple entries on a page and delete them in one go. Also, make it possible to dismiss the confirmation...

This may not be immediately doable: it might be a case of storing a special value to signify "not set", such as an underscore (something that wouldn't normally be...

This is fixable for the HASH data structure (where any non alphanumeric characters in the field name need to be escaped), but it doesn't look like it works for JSON...

The emulator is pretty good, especially for testing all different security rule permissions.

> I think the new layout Middleware (+layout.server.js ?) solves this by letting you call await parent() and capturing the result. Hopefully, but I understood that to be part of...

If you're using SvelteKit's `package` functionality, that covers the native .svelte re-use. To create a Web Component version, you just need another vite build with the necessary config. (target the...

> you cannot reference them as normal Svelte components anymore I do both - the .svelte component can be imported as normal into a route component for example (in the...

All you need is a build step which can either use vite (as I posted above) or a regular rollup build.

You can create an endpoint with a `get` function to provide this, e.g. `sitemap.xml.js` or `sitemap.xml.ts`, but you will have to handle the content yourself. But if you are meaning...

A sitemap is really for end-user navigable routes, ie. the URLs that you want indexed, the content pages. You wouldn't list `.js` or `.css` files in it