Results 87 comments of Simon Green

Yes definitely, I don't think I ever ended up needing to use it myself so kind of forgot about it :) Probably makes sense to add something to one of...

Yeah, this is definitely something that can be improved on. I'm always triggering it either from an cron task or a manual request right now which uses the handler here...

My plan (when I get some free minutes) is to add a REST API that can provide status for jobs together with a nice Polymer UI to display and control...

Rollup of > 32 files is now supported. Need to detect or handle rollup where the total number of segments is > 1024 by re-writing the file(s) into a new...

This makes it easier to compare performance but you are still using the caching middleware for your router which is not realistic. I don't understand why you feel the need...

:+1: I was going to suggest possibly varying the input parameters to make any cache explode but it shouldn't be necessary as long as the tests are policed to ensure...

For anyone that comes across this ... Go 1.8 is now available in beta on AppEngine Standard (yay) Re: the Flex config - anything that includes `vm: true` is for...

It's a different client for a different platform even though there is a lot of overlap and it shares the same language. It's really no different to all the other...

`r.WithContext()` clones the request which messes with the ability to use it with AppEngine API calls. But as long as you create the AppEngine context from the _original request_ (which...

In case anyone finds this useful, I made a little package for this: