Results 87 comments of Simon Green

The issue this is trying to solve is that a SPA is now often indexable but because every page has the same index.html file, the meta-data will be the same...

Impossible without more details - generally the metadata needs to be included in the source of the page if it's to be seen by the search bots.

Maybe checkout the 2.0-preview branch where it should be available as a pure-webcomponent (for any framework) and also Polymer 2.0. I've been waiting for Google to index a site to...

Make whatever code sets the metadata depend on both pieces.

Possibly, although in real apps I often have other services that make use of the same domain structs so it's useful being able to pull them in to those.

"services" being an AppEngine / GCP thing - really separate apps in another codebase that need to work with the same data

Yeah, it was more for the Java / .NET crowd where it sometimes feels like half the development effort is configuring dependecy injection (containers) when, if you take a step...

No, sorry, IMO there's enough there to hopefully demonstrate the concept and the architecture while keeping things simple and undrstandable - applying it to your own domain is part of...

Sorry, I don't understand the question.

I need to check but I _think_ I made it so the struct is encoded and stored in the datastore so it should be possible to set values on it...