Bryan Mayland

Results 136 comments of Bryan Mayland

I can not reproduce, using one servo or two with a Y lead it still connects just fine for me with SG90 servos. It could be a problem with the...

I've been able to reproduce this and also spoke with Matek about it, who is also able to reproduce it. This has to be fixed in hardware side though, since...

> I am glad I was able to bring this to your notice.For the time being the solution is to make the 5th channel as a duplicate 1st channel while...

@anujchandkapoor can you unplug the servos from the receiver and measure the resistance between GND and the signal pin with your servos (on the y-lead, not just 1 servo)? I'm...

In my testing on the bench I was able to get it to boot by decreasing the value of the pullup resistor on the receiver I have (which is the...

Thanks, @MATEKSYS! However, I found that 12K on CH1 was not sufficient when using 2x servos which each had 12K resistance to ground when measuring their (disconnected) signal pin. On...

@diankurus to get full resolution on Output 5, go into the webui on the receiver and change the Output 5 to use something other than AUX1, and use `Wide` switch...

@KevinFairgrieve this is exactly what I've described above, the pullup on the output pin is not strong enough to counter the low resistance of the two servos in parallel. Moving...

> Why in channel 5 not run in full resolution As Matek stated, CH5 coming from the TX only has two positions, just use CH6-CH12 instead and update the mapping...

I can't reproduce this no matter what I try, another few hours with around -85dBm to -95dBm from across the house with no antenna * 3.x.x-maint * ES900TX + R9MM...