Cynthia MacLeod

Results 77 comments of Cynthia MacLeod

@fretje Looking through the notes on docker support - remember that you will have to use windows containers with IIS to get this to work as you are running under...

@fretje Great to have all 3 types in a repo for comparison. I had pretty much got as far as you, with the same error message. I wonder if we...

@bachratyg I've looked through the source of the `ContainerBuildAndLaunch` task itself, and while it does have differences between the NETFramework and NETCore implementations, I'm not convinced this is where the...

I am looking to try and capture information from the issues into documentation, and while this is an ongoing issue pending some feedback from the docker tools team, I feel...

@Kation Publish already works from the command line or build server. Is this to enable the publish command in visual studio? I was aware of the `Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Publish` SDK type and...

@christianbumann This was never added to the main SDK as it didn't feel like it worked as intended and caused side effects. The fact that it works from the command...

@christianbumann Ah I see. The only thing I can suggest here is to create a batch file in the solution directory and add it to the solution. That way you...