Cynthia MacLeod

Results 77 comments of Cynthia MacLeod

@DianaKoenraadt The issue will be that you use EITHER CustomTool=RazorGenerator OR RazorGenerator.MsBuild Otherwise you will end up with 2 generated files - one generated using the VSIX (which you don't...

@cveld The MSBuild experience generates the cs files under obj as temp files while compiling. They do _not_ get added to the project or checked into source control. Nor do...

How did you get on with this? I would be very interested in a version of this that could a) handle .vbhtml as well as .cshtml source files and b)...

@wizzardmr42 Does this update support both reading .vbhtml files and generating .vb code files? Does it support cross language scenarios? e.g. If my project is a VB DLL and has...

I have the Roslyn codedom compilers enabled for my project - so I thought that the code blocks as well as the abstract blocks would be turned into expression trees...

@bsulliva One thing to check is that you are doing a nuget restore step in your build script. If not, you will be relying on restore on build, which won't...

I hadn't found the use of razorgenerator.directives, but did see that the detection for Mvc version from the project file was just hunting for the string, not actually parsing the...

@DomZZ I have the MSBuild packages and have always used VS buildtools and they seem to work fine for me. A thing which might be causing an issue for you...

Not sure about the error you are getting specifically - but I would recommend _not_ using the add-in / powershell / custom tool at all, and simply install the `RazorGenerator.MSBuild`...

@mungk I haven't tested this personally, but you might be able to get the correct operation, even with readonly forced for checked in files, which is the default on Server...