Cynthia MacLeod

Results 77 comments of Cynthia MacLeod

@vandanv Selfhost doesn't work on net5/6. You can host it under kestrel in the core pipeline as shown in my example. It should also work under IIS.

@Tratcher Absolutely - but if you are cutting over and migrating, then you might want to test your code works under net6 first, then re-write them to ASP.NET Core. Also,...

You could (temporarily at least) either add a passthrough provider including JSON or proxy the ASP.NET Core 2.2 version. I did a very rough proof of concept for that [here](

Yeah - had to manually add code to my deployment system to patch the nuspec file and ignore these as they are not in the GAC and throw an error...

Any progress on this? Would love to be able to use the RazorGenerator.Mvc.Core package to simplify my workflow.

@monkey-ldb To clarify - you are using 2 projects, one for the views and one as the main website? If so then this won't really work as if you just...

@Jehoel Firstly, a nuget package can add its own build props and targets to a project, so it could easily inject the property and item that way, without modifying the...

The dropping of the .cs.pp file would be great for including it into a project too.

If using `RazorGenerator.MSBuild` then it will generate the .cs files in intermediate files (obj) folder on build and yes, you would end up with 2 files if there is a...