Results 28 comments of CRCODE22

> > @ai8hyf it would be great if you could share how you made run fully locally as soon as you get it done :) thx > > Just check...

Same problem with all .pt models: Invoked with: tensor([[ 0.0097, -0.0423, 0.2747, ..., -0.0144, 0.0021, 0.0083], [ 0.0030, 0.0149, -0.0147, ..., 0.0014, -0.0061, -0.0047], [-0.0071, 0.0223, -0.0016, ..., -0.0235, 0.0400,...

I added it back to my own installation. ![934853942985934]( Thank you @huchenlei for making the changes it is as simple as overwriting 5 files.

> > I added it back to my own installation. > > Thank you @huchenlei for making the changes it is as simple as overwriting 5 files. > > I'm...

> > > > I added it back to my own installation. > > > > Thank you @huchenlei for making the changes it is as simple as overwriting 5...

> I'm not exactly sure why, but while the videos are present in the addon's video directory, the script doesn't seem to find them. Console writes: "IndexError: list index out...

I also have a problem with v1.6.0 the problem seems to be related to gradio probably has had an update and we need to revert back manually to a previous...

No problem was not gradio I solved the problem. Activate the venv And use this command: pip install httpx==0.24.1

K:\stable-diffusion-webui-1.6.0>cd venv K:\stable-diffusion-webui-1.6.0\venv>cd scripts K:\stable-diffusion-webui-1.6.0\venv\Scripts>activate (venv) K:\stable-diffusion-webui-1.6.0\venv\Scripts>cd.. (venv) K:\stable-diffusion-webui-1.6.0\venv>cd.. (venv) K:\stable-diffusion-webui-1.6.0>pip install httpx==0.24.1 ................. Successfully installed httpx-0.24.1 ................. Running on local URL: