Results 29 comments of CRCODE22

This controlnet in automatic 1111 has multi input image option I am going back to automatic 1111 forge is not good at all. If does not allow me to use...

I cannot get it installed either this is related to that problem. STDERR: ERROR: Could not install packages due to an OSError: [WinError 5] Access is denied: 'K:\\Users\\CRCODE22\\pinokio\\api\\audio-webui.pinokio.git\\audio-webui\\venv\\Lib\\site-packages\\~orch\\lib\\asmjit.dll' Check the...

If people look more closely to their terminal they should see this error also: Checking installs and venv + autodebug checks Python version: 3.10.6 (tags/v3.10.6:9c7b4bd, Aug 1 2022, 21:53:49) [MSC...

> idk if its a bug or not probably my fault > > ![image]( It is not your fault.

I wonder how long it takes for the creator to understand that several reported bugs are related to the same problem. He needs to fix his install scripts.

I have the same problem @TheMundaneDave I have a GTX 970 it used to work great with xformers until a few days ago when stable-diffusion-webui got updated. When you remove...

It has become even worse stable-diffusion-webui is is no longer usable not even with a clean install I will make an appropiate bug report if the problem still exists later...

> git checkout fd4461d44c7256d56889f5b5ed9fb660a859172f It would be great if that works but I am getting the following error: E:\Apps\stable-diffusion-webui>git checkout fd4461d44c7256d56889f5b5ed9fb660a859172f fatal: reference is not a tree: fd4461d44c7256d56889f5b5ed9fb660a859172f

@JeLuF I updated to the latest SD2 through enabling the beta setting from the V1 which had xformers installed and working. but now I see in the command prompt after...