Mike L.

Results 19 comments of Mike L.

You could refer to either https://salsa.debian.org/go-team/packages/acmetool/-/blob/master/debian/rules or my Homebrew/Linuxbrew repo https://github.com/CL-Jeremy/homebrew-acmetool-v2/blob/master/Formula/acmetool.rb. I don't think anything has changed since last maintenance.

I think the strategies have remained the same as before with v0.0.x. It also doesn't make sense to have acmetool listening on other ports (unless you are using DNS-01, for...

@asalmela It does. I initially wanted to build a package for bionic and after installing tons of gopkg-packages I realized just how outdated and full of security vulnerabilities those dependencies...

> So Debian Buster, Ubuntu 20.04 (maybe Ubuntu 18.04?), sort of age Linux distro/go versino would be needed to build this software. Ie, at least 2018, maybe 2019 or later...

> It's literally like 20 clicks here on Github if they just download one of the binaries that others already compiled. From the author: > **[...] You will need to...

Homebrew/Linuxbrew tap is ready: https://github.com/CL-Jeremy/homebrew-acmetool-v2 Enjoy!

Well in fact I got a warning message from Google Play Protect saying it may be harmful to my device... So there must be something going on with them 🤔

This is super weird... I have not been collecting kernel logs (may do it afterwards, but since this is an AMD Ryzen Hackintosh I cannot guarantee if those logs are...

@rose-a Your best bet would be to modify `apps/onlyoffice/3rdparty/jwt/JWT.php` and change the value of `$leeway` to, say, 3. Note that if you have configured updating apps routinely via cron job,...

> 还有,请改"兪偸喩婾楡"。我真的不知道俞字上面可不可以作"人"还是"入"。 这些字属于日文兼容字体,可以参考 Mac 系统下北京汉仪与字游工坊合作的 Hiragino Sans GB,这五个字均从「入」。这五个字在日常繁简输入时并不会用到,需要输入传承汉字的日语用户必须直接使用中文输入法。这是 Unicode 的限制(如果修改则会造成在基本多语平面内的一字多码,在这一点上的取舍值得商榷。我个人并不排斥修改日文部分的写法)。 至于竖排的问题,经查看,字体里没有 `vrt2` 表,可以参考思源黑体,直接建立写上 `lookup SUB_0;` 使用 `vert` 表的列表即可(如果不能引用现有替换表,则复制全部内容到新表)。很不幸,我的 Glyphs 还存在 bug,生成的字体还是无法竖排(具体表现为,其他所有字体都会显示一个空的 `aalt` 表,而本字体并不会,这可能可以说明本字体的特性表存在一定的问题)