### Description: Red Alert 2 introduced an INI key for TechnoTypes called `MoveSound=`, this played the defined sound when a unit was given a move order. ### Possible Implementation: Copy...
### Description: Red Alert 2 introduced an INI key for ObjectTypes called `AmbientSound=`, this played the defined sound while this object exists on the game map. ### Possible Implementation: Copy...
### Description: Add the ability to toggle the sidebar visibility using a hotkey command.
### Description: Any new HouseTypes added to `FIRESTRM.INI` don't get loaded and processed, thus it is not possible to add new HouseTypes that are specific to the Firestorm game mode.
### Description: Loading screen text position is wrong for non-standard resolutions. Upon investigation into the loading screen setup code, it looks like the code breaks early on cases where 21:9...
### Description: Tiberian Sun already has a map INI key called `SpeechSide` which allows the map-maker to override the player houses speech set. A new INI key to also allow...
### Description: The HouseClass constructor assumes there are only two houses, GDI and Nod, when setting the HouseClass member `ActLike`. This should be set to the `Class->Side` value to correctly...
### Description: `AITriggerTypeClass::Process` assumes there are only two houses (`GDI` and `Nod`) when processing the trigger. The ts-patches implementation is questionable and further research is needed. See issue #237 ;...
### Description: Consider Construction Yards when checking object prerequisites. See issue #237 ; This is open to discussion as to if this is actually a bug fix or a...
### Description: Add any relevant trigger actions from RA2 and YR; The following seem to be possible without any new features required; - "Set Tech Level (Techno)[Level]..." - "Create Crate..."...