Christine Belzie

Results 80 comments of Christine Belzie

> > saw it let me see the way through which I can implement it using Tailwind CSS > > Thanks @Vishrut19! How are things going @Vishrut19?

> Sorry! @CBID2 actually I was a bit busy for some days will work in it either by today or by tomorrow. Ok keep me posted @Vishrut19

> Sorry! @CBID2 actually I was a bit busy for some days will work in it either by today or by tomorrow. How's it going @Vishrut19?

> Whilst our most obvious competitor is Linktree, we have started branching away from this and will continue to do so with the planned future features. Therefore I think it...

> I would like to work on this, If someone like to assist me then welcome. I’ll assist you @mohit1607! :)

> Thank you very much @CBID2 I am stuck right now on something I successfully created the pwa but I am having trouble in making it offline. Glad to get...

> I am awaiting for your response @CBID2 Hey @mohit1607. I'm not too well-versed on JavaScript. Hey @loftwah, can you help us?

> Yes, I can implement this on linkfree as well 👍🏻 but the build times will increase a little How does your self-hosted version of Linkfree look @krshkun?

> Krish's profile Thanks. I agree with @loftwah. @krshkun’s self-hosted version is effective

> Hey, @CBID2 I would like to add this feature. Can you explain some more details? @eddiejaoude, can you help me explain this feature?