Christine Belzie

Results 80 comments of Christine Belzie

Hey @thatblindgeye! :) I'm back! :) Have you heard any updates from the other contributor who started there PR for this issue?

> @CBID2 > > > > You can see the linked pull request just above your comment. See this [reply]( @CouchofTomato.

> It's a different PR Thanks for the update @CouchofTomato! :)

> I would like to work on this issue adding pwa for mobile -view. Great @mohit1607. I’ll create a file on Replit we can do to a rough draft.

> I suggest to not close automatically -- I think it better to have many smaller PRs and only close the issue when the handbook is fully updated. We...

I guess I'm not nominated 😢

Hey @wesleytodd. I found this on X: Maybe that could work?

> A workflow could be an option too, These spam PRs generally don't have more than 2-3 words. Closing PRs with less than 3 words sounds reasonable. GitHub too does...

> Is it possible to have the workflow also incorporate a check for new contributors when doing the x words check? I feel like that people who contributed, and already...

> And if word count check is added, they must find some other way to open spam prs. The problem here is those who make spam prs, they just started...