Christine Belzie

Results 80 comments of Christine Belzie

Is someone assigned to this? I'm thinking of giving it a shot. :)

> Hey @CBID2 changed this to a discussion. Can you please add some more detail about the approach you are envisioning? Hi @amandamartin-dev! :) I picture a feature where people...

> That's an interesting idea! I think for this to work, first we would need a way for the repos to connect to linkfree profiles (right now they link out...

> From the discussion on the live stream, I was thinking it would be like a Tripadvisor/Google reviews/Yelp for repos - with some ratings out of 5 for a fixed...

> > From the discussion on the live stream, I was thinking it would be like a Tripadvisor/Google reviews/Yelp for repos - with some ratings out of 5 for a...

Question for rating: Is the community welcoming?

Something to consider: an alert for hateful reviews or mass reporting.

I'll do an entry about the triage team revival @UlisesGascon

@Uma-95, I'll gladly work this

> Hi can someone guide me on this issue? > > Hi @pratushrai0309. Do you need clarity or an idea on how to write the guide?