Strangely, trace is reproduced without errors.
The game was launched in Wine and in Windows via d9vk, bugs present.
Tested, nothing changed.
I have the same issue, the only games alt + tab works for are games created on Source Engine and game Wolfenstein 2009.
If you run the game through WineD3D, D3D Native, dgVoodoo + DXVK, then the performance will be fine.
Poor performance is only seen through dxvk (d3d9) and Gallium Nine.
@jrugia Via dgVoodoo(d3d8) + dxvk(d3d11) works well.
> > > This error is due to the launcher crashing before it's able to launch the game, it's not actually related to the files being corrupted. I experienced the...
The reason why the game does not start lies in the file rdr2.exe