Somehow didn't see this when I made my issue.
DolphiniOS does it so it would maybe be possible, but definitely a lot of work.
Actually I lied apparently I'm using 16.0.3. Didn't know that existed.
> MotionPlus controllers require connecting the controller when it's laying face down on a flat surface in order to perform the initial calibration properly. Without this, the motion calibration will...
> IIRC there are some timing related issues when it comes to initialising and correctly identifying the Motion Plus extension. You may have to try connecting the controller more than...
It's for goldeneye so I can move with left and aim with right, but have analog aiming.
Same error when changing user info.
I'm still getting the error. Do I need to update anything on my console?
Isn't that the keyboard with the analog keys that emulate a controller?