Bryan Ellington
Bryan Ellington
Also see and
That's been a suggestion I've heard a few times now. I hope we can get a sample done soon, but I don't have a date yet.
A better approach may be to create a standalone [PrometheusRule]( yaml file. I didn't configure my environment to actually trigger the alert, but I got the alert defined with this...
What existing alert are you looking to disable?
Fortunately, that rule is the only one in the monitoring/v4m-kubernetes-system-controller-manager Prometheusrule custom resource. All you should need to do is run: `kubectl delete prometheusrule -n monitoring v4m-kubernetes-system-controller-manager`
Hi there, Updating our samples with more guidance on authentication is in our backlog. It's a bit too much to fully explain here, but what's needed is either to enable...