Bruno Quaresma

Results 37 issues of Bruno Quaresma

I'm not sure how hard it is to make the theme match the current site colors, or if we could choose an existing one that is more "purple-ish" or "blue-ish".


![image]( A suggestion from the community was to replace it with a more generic one like a cube(I'm not sure if there is one like this on MUI).


For some reason this SVG: ```html ``` is being parsed to ```html ``` I'm importing and using like this: ```jsx import CheckboxIcon from "./CheckboxIcon.svg" ``` .babelrc: ```json { "presets": ["next/babel"],...

After upgrade Playwright to 1.9.2 this error is happening on Vercel functions. ``` 2021-03-16T19:57:07.806Z undefined ERROR Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/var/task/node_modules/playwright-core/browsers.json' at Object.openSync (fs.js:462:3) at Object.readFileSync...

Hey folks, I'm using FFmpeg to render some videos, but I'm receiving errors every time I try to use a preset that is different from ultrafast or fast. I tried...

Would be interesting to have a built-in wat to chain sequences + transitions like the video below: Here is the code that I used for it: **Scene.tsx** ```tsx import...

I have a course activity class that is used as actable and I have video activity and code activity that act as a course activity. But when I try to...

I have ``` ## Apps [/apps] ### Get All Apps [GET] + Response 200 (application/json) { "items": [ { "id": 1, "name": "My Favorite App", "impressions": 4324, "clicks": 100, "ctr":...

Hi folks, I'm trying to import the lua-resty-jwt in a script but this error `module 'resty.aes' not found:` is displayed. I tried to find the lua-resty-aes package on luarocks but...